Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Super Bowl Of Dreams

Attention rabid football fans in (fill in your city here.) Please give up on your team now and join us. The dreamers, the believers, the (fill in lofty, poetic noun here.) Mark our words: The Greatest Super Bowl of All-Time will happen this season. C'mon, live the dream with us!

The Buffalo Bills will represent the AFC. And America's team, the Detroit Lions, will represent the NFC. It will be the greatest story ever told. No trash talking, no big egos, no complaining about (fill-in trophy holding team you hate here) being in it again. Just some old-school football played by real football teams from football towns.
Think of it. Who could possibly hate the Lions (except Dallas fans, but who really cares about them?) The Lions have never beaten anyone. I mean ANYONE. And, sure, Buffalo had their chance in the 90's (OK, four chances) but it's Buffalo. They deserve something for enduring 8 months of winter a year (unlike Boston's much more temperate 6-month winters.)

So, go ahead, root for your hopless (fill in team you root for here) and be disappointed. I'll watch the Cinderella story unfold. Two wildly depressing sports teams rise to American glory, single-handedly crushing unemployment, ending the recession, and somehow getting Jersey Shore cancelled. Put your hand on your heart and feel yourself swelling with American Pride.

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