Friday, July 1, 2011

Proud to Be An American

What's your favorite holiday?  Mine always seems to be the one we're closest to (shallow, I know.) 

So, here are 10 reasons why the 4th Of July is "my favorite holiday of all time du jour."  (The "of all time du jour" phrase is copyrighted by my friend since college Dan Vlossak...thanks Dan.)

1) Meat.  Lots of meat.

2) No dishes to wash after the meal.

3)  No stressing whether they'll like the present.

4) Wearing ridiculously loud., ugly, and ill-fitting clothes is long they look like the flag.

5) The kids can stay up late and they have all summer to recover. 

6) You can eat potato salad that's been in the sun for hours and somehow it doesn't go bad.  This is only true on 4th of July weekend.  It must be the power of the good 'ol USA.

7) It's the only time of the year Neil Diamond's "America" is actually a good song.

8) Fireworks.  (These were more fun when the older kids in the neighborhood had their own displays and sold you "bricks" and "bottle rockets" through some guy you never got to meet or know the identity of.)

9) No triptifan nap.  (But there are horrible meat sweats.)

10) Meat.  Lots of meat.  "You said meat twice."  "I like meat."

Happy 4th.  And remember, for goodness sake:  "Place on ground.  Light Fuse.  GET AWAY."

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