Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Return Of The Son Of Mr. Sunshine Part 3

There's a sequel for everything, so here's a sequel to one of my previous blogs (which you really responded to...thank you.)  Mr. Sunshine is Back.

Let's reset the premise.  I love all people.  Except people who annoy me.  Like these people:

The woman at work that doesn't make eye contact with me. Humor me and say "hi" when we pass each other in the hall instead of looking up in the air like a UFO is coming down on us.   Don't worry, I don't want to be your friend and I'm not gunning for your job.  I just think we should all be civil, friendly, and have fun at work.  Stop posing like the Heisman trophy every time I walk by.  

The parent at kids sporting events who never stops talking.  Ever.  Look, no one likes to talk more than I do.  But even I know when to stop.   Sometimes quite by accident, I learn more about complete strangers than I know about my own wife. And they're not even talking to me.  Unsolicited tip:  If you insist on talking loudly and constantly while other people are trying to watch a game, at least move into the same zip code as the person you're talking to.  Don't yell across rows of people.

The guy at work who walks up and down the hall talking on his cell phone. How can I put this politely?  You're annoying.  Not because you're on the phone in the hallway. Because you're not talking about work (unless your job description now has you going to parties.) Do us all a favor--go back to your cubicle.  Or if you're afraid of your boss hearing (which is probably why you're in the hallway in the first place,) go to your car. Just get out of the hall so we can work and not have to hear stories about how many keg stands your buddy did.

Guy sleeping on my shoulder on the train. Tired? Me too! We all work hard on very little sleep. But the differencebetween us is I would NEVER rest my head on a stranger on the train.  That's creepy, rude and not very hygienic.  To be honest, sir, you don't know where my shoulder's been.

And while I'm on the train...Guy who crowbars himself in front of me and my seat for 2 stops before he gets off.  He moves up the isle, rubs against me, and eclipses any light from my general areal.  And for what? To get off the train before 3 other people do to save .8 seconds. Here's an idea:  When the train gets to your stop, simply let the people in front of you get off, then follow them in a line, leaving ample space for people to breathe, move, and not have to think about ways they wish you would trip and break your ankle.

Well, it looks like a nice day.  I think I'll go out, breathe some fresh air and take a train ride to work.  What could go wrong?

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