Friday, September 30, 2011

Blog O' Emma

Here's a guest blog by my daughter, Emma.  The assignment was to write a news article. Enjoy. Feel free to comment.  I told her people actually read this blog.  Don't make me a liar.

The Fox By Emma West
In the neighborhood of Hyder Street, The Fox (also known as Foxy Loxy to some of the younger kids) has been sighted many times, almost daily. The Fox is known to have several kits, which are growing up fast. Based on sightings, some of it's features include it's red-orange coat, white belly, black paws and a black nose, pointy ears, and a dash of white on the tip of her tail. "Pretty much your typical fox," says my neighbor, Eric Abeles, 11.

Colin West, 7 had a scary time with this fox. "I was playing in the yard," he says, "and all of the sudden, I heard a rustling in the bushes. I turned around to see what it was, and there was The Fox, it's red orange coat gleaming in the sunlight. It ran across our neighbors' yard, not even 20 feet away from me. I was so scared, I ran inside. I told my mom and sister what happened, and felt a little safer." I asked Colin if he could be sure it was The Fox, and not one of it's kits. "I can't be sure," he says thoughtfully. "I was so terrified, my mind was on getting inside, and quick!"

My friend and neighbor Grace Coughlin and I also had a heart-stopping memory with The Fox. We ride our bikes a lot together a lot, around the block and even down the Assabet trail a little. When we were going up a big hill, a skinny orange four-legged body ran out across our path. We gasped and skidded to a halt. Grace was the one to speak first. "Was that...the fox?!"
"I think so," I said, out of breath from the long bike ride and the scary moment that we had just experienced. We both turned, half-expecting the fox to leap out of the bushes and attack us. We continued our bike ride, but I wasn't fully recovered until I was home, safe and sound.

Some people want to call the police. Others want to contact animal control. Or should we just leave it to live it's life?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Super Bowl Of Dreams

Attention rabid football fans in (fill in your city here.) Please give up on your team now and join us. The dreamers, the believers, the (fill in lofty, poetic noun here.) Mark our words: The Greatest Super Bowl of All-Time will happen this season. C'mon, live the dream with us!

The Buffalo Bills will represent the AFC. And America's team, the Detroit Lions, will represent the NFC. It will be the greatest story ever told. No trash talking, no big egos, no complaining about (fill-in trophy holding team you hate here) being in it again. Just some old-school football played by real football teams from football towns.
Think of it. Who could possibly hate the Lions (except Dallas fans, but who really cares about them?) The Lions have never beaten anyone. I mean ANYONE. And, sure, Buffalo had their chance in the 90's (OK, four chances) but it's Buffalo. They deserve something for enduring 8 months of winter a year (unlike Boston's much more temperate 6-month winters.)

So, go ahead, root for your hopless (fill in team you root for here) and be disappointed. I'll watch the Cinderella story unfold. Two wildly depressing sports teams rise to American glory, single-handedly crushing unemployment, ending the recession, and somehow getting Jersey Shore cancelled. Put your hand on your heart and feel yourself swelling with American Pride.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My DVR Runneth Over

Now that "Curb Your Enthusiasm" (one of the best seasons ever) "Entourage" (not so much) are over, I'm not sure what new TV shows deserve space on my DVR.  Modern Family will be there for sure, and I guess I'll give the Steve Carell-less version of "The Office" a try. Heck, I may even tune into "Two and a Half Men" to see how Charlie Sheen goes from "Duh...Winning" to "Duh...Dead."  But after that, I get a little stressed trying to guess what shows are going to make me appear cool (keyword:  appear.)

There are lots of returning shows that I should watch but don't (It's Always Sunny, CSI Wherever, 30 Rock, Parks & Recreation, Sons Of Anarchy...I could go on.)   My enemy is not the shows. I'm sure they are very good.  My enemy is time.  It's hard to fully engage in a show while you're nodding off and wiping drool off your chin. That is not a quote from my grandmother or a 2 year old, it's from me.  I only get so much time to watch TV before I turn into a pumpkin, so I tend to stick with what I know I like.  And now that my kids stay up and watch a little TV with us before bed (they are addicted to the Food Network and Happy Days-Thank you, Hub) I have an even shorter amount of time to watch.

So, sure, I'd love to check out Pan Am, Up All Night, 2 Broke Girls, The Playboy Club, and Terra Nova.
But I can't watch them all and I can't decide which one(s) are worth it.  At least I can sleep knowing I don't have to bother with Charlie's Angels, whatever that new show with Tim Allen is, and The X-Factor.  And when it's time for bed, the kids can just wipe the drool off my chin and send me up to bed.     

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Back To School 70's Style

With kids going back to school everywhere (thousands on Facebook alone, including mine,) I thought I'd share one of my back to school rituals. If you didn't grow up in Chicopee, fill in your local mall/stores here and let the memories come rushing back.

Time to hit the Fairfield Mall.  First, I'll go to the Levi's Store for some "cords." (Kids: "Cords" were corduroy pants. They were later banned due to the friction they created when you walked in them, causing many kids to spontaneously combust.)  Cool, Mom will let me buy 4-5 colors. I'll get black and blue because they match anything. Next, how about green?  They don't actually match anything, but they're dark, so I can fake it.  Now, time for the big guns: cream color and rust color. These look the coolest.

Now, time for my next stop: T-Shirt Express to custom match shirts to these cords.  These days, you go to Target, Wal-Mart, or even BJ's for t-shirts with funny sayings and band logos on them. But a long time ago, you could only get them at T-Shirt Express. This is heaven. Pick your shirt then pick the iron-on decal off the wall.  Hmmm, today I think I'll get That Doors decal on the 3/4 sleeve baseball shirt, the "Wild And Crazy Guy" decal on the yellow t-shirt, and the Gene Simmons solo album cover on black sweatshirt. Nice. This paper route money is coming in handy.   And the smell of those fresh iron on patches...mmmmm.

Well, time to hit Lucas Pizza for a slice before I go to Thom McAn for some sneakers. I hope they have the ones with those cool reflectors on the back.  Or was it Kinney shoes?