Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Real Men Of Genius

Here's one going out to my friends and neighbors in Westborough.   Luckily for you, I'm not singing it, I just wrote it. So sing along to this. (and thanks to Michael Coughlin for letting me use his picture.)

Ken West salutes Real Men Of Genius
(Sung:) Real Men Of Genius
Today we salute you, Mr. Hockey Rink In Your Backyard.
(Sung:) Mr. Hockey Rink In Your Backyard
Armed with wood, plastic, and 10,000 gallons of town water, you build your version of the miracle on ice.
(Sung: ) All we need is a Zamboni
And when it snows, after an hour of back-breaking in the driveway, you gotta clear the rink before it freezes.
(Sung:) Who's got a crane to lift my snowblower over the wall?
And if the temperature rises above 32 degrees? The whole neighborhood is sad to see what looks like a pool that should have been closed a month ago.
(Sung:) Stupid Global warming
So, Mr. Hockey Rink In Your Backyard, grab your skates, a stick, a puck and enjoy all your hard work, I'll be drinking something warm inside.
(Sung:) Mr. Hockey Rink In Your Backyard
Ken West blogs, Westborough, USA.

Disclaimer: This is not a slam. It's supposed to be fun. I'm in awe of these guys, I'm just glad I don't have to do it.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

May You Stay Forever Lazy

Happy 2012!!  According to "them," this is the year the world ends. I don't know who "them" refers to, and if you read this blog regularly, you know I'm not going to research it. I'm not sure I believe "them," but if the world ends, I'd like to see it. Then, in the afterlife, I could try to one-up the dinosaurs about whose demise was more spectacular.

Although we'll never know until it comes, I think the end is actually closer than we think. Why? Well, for one, the Forever Lazy  (click the link to watch.) For those who thought the "snuggie" was too stylish, we have this ridiculous thing. Seriously, when I first saw this commercial, I thought it was an SNL sketch. But it's only 2 minutes long, about 9 minutes too short to be an SNL sketch.

To my friends and family: If you ever see me wearing one of these, please alert the authorities. "They've" obviously given me a Charlton Heston "Planet Of The Apes" brain slice and put this on me. And seriously, if everyone was like all the people in this commercial, don't we deserve to have the world end?
Have a great 2012, if "they" let you.