Thursday, March 10, 2011

The modern version of Ginger Vs Mary Ann

I'll admit it. I was never a fan of Gilligan's Island. Maybe I was too young. Maybe it was the same joke over and over. Maybe it just looked like a pre-school play on TV. But I do remember the raging debate: "Ginger or Mary Ann."

There were two distinct camps on this and the sides were divided. But again, not being a big fan, I don't really have a horse in that race.

But I do have an opinion on the "modern" version of this debate: Claire or Gloria from "Modern Family?" I'll take Claire. Too me, she's hotter. She's got real issues (among other things.) She's a mother of 3 and keeps herself looking great. She has a happy and healthy relationship with her husband Phil. Phil is the goofy husband who likes to joke about everything. He's hilarious, he's totally confused and totally does whatever Claire tells him to. He's totally awesome! I can really identify with him. Jeez, come to think of it, maybe I like Phil best. I'd still rather see Claire in a coconut bra, though.

1 comment:

  1. Phil is the guy you want your sister to marry -- you want him at all your family holidays but you just don't want to go home with him at night. Keep up the great blog, Kenneth -- I love reading what's going on in your head!
