Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Holla! City Of Squalor!

I helped "The Hangover Part 2" earn $105 million over the weekend (well, $5.75 of it, anyway.)   I'm sure you want to know what I thought (or I'll just humor myself and pretend you do.)   I won't give you a "review" because I'm not a professional movie critic.  Instead, I'll answer a few questions about the movie that I might ask of someone who saw it.    No plot spoilers (I hate when people do that.)  Just honest answers.

"How was it?"  It was good!  It was a hot day, and it gave me 2 hours of mindless fun and laughs in an air-conditioned theater.  That's all I want out of a movie.

"Was it as good as the first one?" Define "as good as."  I laughed out loud quite a few times and was horrified at other times.  That's what happened when I saw the first one.

"I hear it's the same as the first movie.  Is that true?" Yes and no.  The plot is almost identical. They basically took the same story structure and applied it to different time and places.  It works, but unlike the first movie, you already know what happens.  You kind of have to expect that because it's a sequel.

"Without giving anything away, can you give me some hints about what was funny?" An awesome version of Billy Joel's "Allentown; A hilarious Long John Silver's reference; Stu meets another lady; Alan has the best lines (again.) 

Bottom line:  This is what I expected.  They didn't break any new ground, but they never promised they would.

If you have any questions about "The Hangover Part 2," please feel free to ask and I'll answer to the best of my ability.

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